25 April 2007

belle isle rocks

I went biking yesterday down at Belle Isle. It was a beautiful day. Theres a path that goes along the river for miles. There are some crazy paths right next to the river, too, but I don't suggest trying to take the bike on them. Too many fallen trees.

At one point, I had to make a choice. I could either head through these tunnels...

Or cross the river via this little bridge...I chose this option. Took my shoes off and just walked the bike across. The water was super cold, but it felt good.

So I rode for like an hour, trying to find these mountain bike trails that were apparently around the area. I couldn't find them. I decided to take a break. Went out on one of the rocks and got my feet wet. There was this turtle that kept coming up to eat off the side of teh rock, but every time I tried to get his picture, he would swim off.

Eventually I got back on my bike and headed back. I finally found a trail.

It was a pretty sweet trail. I took it pretty slow though since I had never ridden it before and it was apparently a hard trail. (it wasn't) Next time I'm taking it the opposite way cause it looked a lot more fun.

All in all, it was a good two hour ride. I got real dirty and was real tired at the end, but it was totally worth it.

I love summertime.

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